I just finished the repair of the DMD power supply board yesterday. To my amazement, when I plugged it in, it worked!
I took a photo of the board before the repairs trying to show all the hacks this thing has seen in its lifetime (the pic is after I removed a few components). Notice the nice hole and wire jumper.
I sourced out trying to just buy a new board, but the cheapest I could find is about $135 with shipping from Australia. Here’s a link for future reference since they had other Capcom parts, too.
$135 is a bit pricey so I went the repair route. I replaced every part except the flyback and 200v capacitor as I couldn’t find it anywhere. Luckily I didn’t need it. All parts were bought at www.mouser.com, except the regulator chip, that was bought at www.digikey.com. Total cost in parts and shipping $29.
But, a heck of a lot of time was spent cleaning this board out. 1/2 of the board had corroded solder points and their were even a few rusty resistors on it. It really didn’t match the condition of the rest of the machine so maybe it was swapped out some where along the line. Quite a few traces were lifting from the board, too. Hot glue is holding the components where the burned hole is located.
So, after finishing the repair I plugged this sucker in and it worked. Whew! Now I can see that awesome animation where the ice cube lands in just the right place.