1985 Williams Sorcerer


Williams Sorcerer, kind of a rare game. Only 3700 made back in 1985. You just don’t see a lot of them for sale. Some how I have stumbled across two in the past 2 years. I had waited 4 years to get one prior. I spent a few weeks on this one.

Here’s the down and dirty list of what was done.

– All playfield plastics were cleaned and polished.
– New red playfield posts were installed.
– New upper red lane guides were installed.
– New playfield rubber was installed.
– New target decals were installed.
– New drop target decals were installed.
– All upper playfield screws were polished and chrome acorn nuts added.
– Playfield was cleaned and polished.
– Playfield was touched up around the inserts.
– Two new shiny pinballs added.
– It has 4 brand new legs, 4 new leg levelers and 8 new leg bolts.
– New translucent red shooter rod and barrel spring.
– Coin door repainted with new lock installed.
– Minor scrapes on cabinet touched up.
– Remote battery holder on the CPU/Driver/Sound board was installed.
– All header pins on the CPU/Driver/Sound board were reflowed with new solder.
– All flashers have been upgraded to 12v LED (instead of 6v bulbs) and they look awesome.

This game is now 100% operational right down to the coin mechs. Yes, you can drop quarters into this baby and it works. You can also set it to free play if you want. The replay bell works and so does the knocker. All solenoids and switches also work. All lamps and flashers work. All the sounds and speech work so Sorcerer can taunt you when the ball drains.

The full Sorcerer experience is all there. It plays great. It sounds great. The best thing I like about Sorcerer is it has just enough tech to keep it interesting (a ramp, multi-ball, flashers, speech, 3 flippers) and just enough old fashioned features (two spinners, drop targets, stand up targets, 4 upper lanes) for variety.

It’s the rules that will keep you coming back for more. Single ball play is more casual play, the two ball is where it gets a lot harder. I love the playfield multiplier for hitting the ramp for 2x, 3x, and 5x during multi-ball. The 4 top lanes have a lane switcher wired into the top right bumper that changes when hit. It can really make it hard to get all of them lit up for a bonus multiplier. It’s these things that keep me coming back to play it, again and again.

Spell out Sorcerer with the targets and the spinners get the classic sounds used in Robotron and other classic Williams video games. Overall, the sounds are great if you like that classic Williams sound. William’s System 9 was the last to use these types of sounds. So to me, Sorcerer has that special blend of classic game play, sounds, and the beautiful art is very cool and reminds me of that whole 80’s D&D era.

Below is the full gallery of pictures.

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