This gallery contains 3 photos.
It cleaned up nicely just as anticipated. It was carefully cleaned with Magic Eraser, alcohol and Simple Green to remove any embedded dirt. Now on to the inserts.
This gallery contains 3 photos.
It cleaned up nicely just as anticipated. It was carefully cleaned with Magic Eraser, alcohol and Simple Green to remove any embedded dirt. Now on to the inserts.
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I just started the playfield restoration of a Gottlieb Amazing Spider-Man playfield. First thing’s first. I’ve got to clean it up. Then remove, flatten, and glue the inserts back in. Restore the shooter lane, touch up the playfield, then clear … Continue reading
This gallery contains 3 photos.
To make my game complete, I’ve updated the Klingon and Romulan ship with Hallmark ornaments found on Ebay. These were sold at about the same time when the game was released. They make the originals look like mere place holders. … Continue reading
This gallery contains 6 photos.
Here’s some photos of my custom painted Borg ship. I painted it gray, washed it in black, then added detail to the blue sections. After that, the windows were replaced with a blue transparent plastic. All this combined with blue … Continue reading
This gallery contains 4 photos.
I filled the inserts on this one, sanded it, then buffed it out to a super shine. It had already been clear coated. I laid it on my Stern Lightning for a few photos so the reflections can be seen. … Continue reading
This gallery contains 11 photos.
I got to work on one of the best EM games ever, a 1975 Gottlieb El Dorado. It has a layout that was used on a number of other games (Gold Strike, Target Alpha, Solar Strike) for a good reason, … Continue reading
This gallery contains 23 photos.
Fathom has been repainted with stencils from Pinball Pal. These stencils were a major pain to work with and required all the letters from “Fathom” to be cut out individually and reapplied due to buckling and misalignment. Also, they were … Continue reading
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I took the stock legs, stripped them and painted them with Krylon stainless steel paint. Looking good! I got to try my new pinball leg jig for painting, too.
This gallery contains 43 photos.
I didn’t post on the progress of this game, but here’s the final details. – It has a brand new Niwumpf CPU (this adds a nice ball saver) – All new connectors and pins in the back box, that’s a … Continue reading
This gallery contains 9 photos.
The Fathom cabinet has been sanded down to the bare wood and is ready for repair and paint. This is going to look super nice when it’s done!